Friday, December 08, 2006

Umm... yeah : )

"Don't walk sexily" - Alex, in tutorial
We were talking about personal safety, and what advice you would give to a female friend who thought she was being followed home from college by an unknown man. Another answer - given by Ellis - was 'Stab him' but somehow I think this could cause trouble, lol.

-After Rai talked about her traumatic start to school (her mum leaving)-
"But I didn't grow up emotionally disturbed or anything" - Rai
*Paula snorts*
Gotta love teachers like that...

"Aah! I swear that bush wasn't there a minute ago" - Tash

"You know when you lift up your jacket and you realise you've also lifted up your skirt?" - Holly
"I do that!" - Dan
"What, when you're wearing a skirt?" - Holly
"Yeah, all the time" - Dan

"I'll be laughing on... the side of your face when they do" - Dan
I'm not quite sure what he was he was getting at here...

"Your writing's getting smaller and smaller, you really are going to turn into a girl" - Mills to Sedgy

"Who wants it Thursday?" - Mills
"Who wants it?" - Beki
Talking about the qualifying exam

"How many siblings?" - Paula
"5 and a half" - Hannah
She meant a half brother, not half a sibling...

"If I can have your attention I would appreciate it because I'd like you more" - Kate

Friday, December 01, 2006

Surprise! More quotes...

"Here you go, the muffin comes with homework" - Mike
Mike came into the lesson and gave Jayne a muffin... for some strange reason - she was a bit wary of it (with good cause really, knowing the guys in my class) and in the end gave it to Matt for good work. Plus - on Mike's student comment it said 'I liked this homework it was fun' with a heart at the end, Steven added xx on the end of it, lol.

"I saw cockburn in my garden" - Steven
Still going on about the whole cockburn thing... (They convinced Jayne it was a bird...)

"Where's David?" - Jayne
"Go find him" - Mike

"Jayne, get rid of the spider, it's huge and scary!" - Mike
*Cue the boys running around like prats and making a big issue out of it*

"What do you need to bring to your next lesson?" - Kate, to Mike
"A brain?" - Robert

"I saw your phone down there, I can see things down there!" - Jayne
Viraaj was holding his phone under the table...

Random insert: Last week sometime we were in History, Matt was bored and drew a halo on Hitler, then when we commented on it he turned it into a hat which Faye thought looked like a saucepan. So Hitler is now known for his saucepan hat.

"Let's do flapjacks!" - Rai
She meant star jumps...

"I'll do it with you... well, not IT" - Dan

"It's national 'bring in the wrong folder day" - Sedgie

"Your hatred makes me love you more" - Dan
"My hatred makes me hate you more" - Rai
"Oh, I love you. Let's get married" - Dan
"Sorry, I only go for straight guys" - Rai
"I could be!" - Dan

"What do you mean?" - Maxwell
"Yes" - Kate

Monday, November 13, 2006

mm.... quotes

Today - 13/11/06
"Why don't I just kill myself, I'll do a Hitler" - Chloe

"Who feels like a chopped tomato?" - Mills
... After naming a can of chopped tomatos after Graham
"I've always thought he looked like a chopped tomato" - Mills

"I'm sane, me; woof" - Matt

"Now, someone's going to ask the horrible, stupid question" - Mills
"Matt?" - Graham
"Can we go home now?" - Matt
Generally the 'horrible, stupid questions' are of course questions from our inferior knowledge of Maths

"I've been replaced!" - Rai
*Dan starts to move towards her*
"That doesn't mean I want you back!" - Rai
After Dan attached himself to Rai and previously Faye, (Hugged them round the neck and didn't let go...)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


"We're in a whore-shaped shoe" - Dan
Artistic license... he actually said 'horse-shaped shoe' but I thought he said 'whore-shaped shoe' and what he actually meant was 'horse-shoe shape'

"What's my-" - Alice
"Extra boobs" - Tash
Don't really remember what this was about... apart from the fact that it was about the gel bras that Alice and Tash bought (And waved around whilst walking down the high street)

"Hazel, stop doing that" - Dan
Ok, don't remember why this was amusing really, Dan told me to write it down so I did

"Everytime we touch, it's friction" - Hazel, to Dan
Yeah... I was really static that day

"If my boyfriend was thinner than me, he'd have a problem, it's called anorexia" - Dan
Dan of course is at the sort of 'skinniest you can get whilst still eating'

"See! I should be a fashion designer and you should be a whore!" - Dan, to Hazel
Don't ask

"I finally got out of my closet and now they tell me to get back in" - Dan

"My nails match my outfit" - Dan
His nails were black, but due to dirt rather than nail polish...

"Make note, he went that way!" - Dan
Random guy we saw...

Thur 19/10/06
"I'm turning 17 next year! Me, 17! That's disgusting!" - Fahima
Well, it is kinda hard to think of Fahima as 17...

Wed 18/10/06
"I'm a ribbon" - Dan

"Let's cross" - Hazel
"I doubt it" - Dan

Tues 17/10/06
"I'm not a nasty pizza" - Fahima
She meant 'nasty person'

Quotes I forgot to add from way back on the 20/09/06
"I want to live above Cafe Nero so I can sneak in at night" - Jodie
"Don't you think you'd be a suspect?" - Dan
"No; just because I have a hole in my floor doesn't mean I go directly in" - Jodie

"I've got used to all that now" - Dan (talking about people trying to trip him up)
"Used to what?" - Jodie
*Dan pulls her hair*
"Aaah!" - Jodie
"Obviously you haven't" - Dan

"Ahh, foetus" - Dan

"I need to e-mail Megan" - Hazel
"You need to eat your leg?!" - Dan
Deaf that boy...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

From e-mails sent to me...

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday" - Noelle, aged 7

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them; I'd be at the bottom to catch them."

"Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tuesday 17th October
"People called Olly are retards. It's a fact of life." - Dan

"I can't kiss him without laughing" - Alice, about Dan

"Get up, gravity is not on my side" - Alice (trying to get up after lying on Dan and Dan trying to trip her up)

"You broke her leg!" - Jodie
"Don't exaggerate. We broke Clarky's leg" - Dan
"Yep, that's right" - Clarky

"... see?! Isn't that stalking. But I'm not spreading it. I'm not telling anyone! I mean, I just told you, but that was... explaining the situation!" - Jodie
Emma had been apparently saying that Jodie was spreading rumors about her [Emma] stalking someone

"I tell lies, that's part of the fun of my job" - Kate (Computing Teacher)

Wednesday 18th October (Today)
"I'm a happy flap" - Dan

"I'm an atheist, let me pray" - Dan, thinking of oxymorons (He's actually agnostic)

*There was another quote - need to ask Dan, I think he wrote it somewhere...

Desperate Housewives
"Please, you're dating my wife, call me Rex" - Rex, to George
Just starting to vaguely get into Desperate Housewives under the Dan influence...

Monday, October 16, 2006


"I'm not laughing, I'm smiling at your ignorance" - Dan, to Ben
Hehe, pure brilliance, Dan commented later that day that it was something I would say.
Lol, he's so right.

"Is Freud dead, Miss?" - Yassir
"Yes" - Paula
"That's good" - Yassir
Kinda amusing, not saying I particularly agree, but then I don't necessarily disagree either...

"Maybe he sniffed too much; you decide" - Paula, about Freud

"Goodbye, we're going to go have some queer sex" - Alice
"Oh yes" - Dan

Monday, September 18, 2006

Msn Names

"NEWSFLASH!: There is no newsflash" - Off Dan's msn thingy

Previous MSN names I've had:

"It’s not PMS, it’s you"
"Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand"
"I don’t know what your problem is but I bet it’s hard to pronounce"
"Just because you can. Doesn’t mean you should."
"The truth shall make ye fret" - Terry Pratchett, 'The Times'
"Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible"
"Lack of evidence is a sure sign of conspiracy"
"Wisdom comes with age but sometimes age comes alone"
"Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional"
"My submarine sunk!"
"Cynics are right, nine times out of ten."

Friday, September 15, 2006

Why men don't listen and women can't read maps

Reading a fantastic book - "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" by Allan and Barbara Pease. I recommend it to anyone and everyone as it is really quite funny and also quite realistic. Since I'm doing Psychology I can pick out the different parts from different approaches to behaviour, personality and temperament, the main one this book focuses on is the Biological approach - basically saying that a lot of behaviour and personality comes from the genes. It's saying how women have bigger more allocated areas for speech which is why they often speak from an earlier age and talk so much, lol. It's really good.
I realised that a lot of it relates to stuff that's happened to me and I can totally relate it to people I know and to myself. I mean, some parts are of course different, we can't all be the 'typical' people of our gender.
An example of something that I related to other people I know is this quote:
"Because vocabulary is not a hotspot in a woman's brain, she can feel that the precise definition of words is irrelevant. She'll then take poetic licence with words, or won't shy away from exaggeration simply for effect. Men, however, interpret every word she says as if it is true and respond accordingly"
This reminded me of yesterday when Jodie said: "Seriously! Tom can't even read!" and Matt replied "Really? How'd he go to school?" In reality, Tom is actually not that terrible in his literacy skills compared to others of his age (16-ish) and obviously can read.

I find it rather amusing, especially the bits about how you have to speak simply, clearly and only on one topic

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Well... Practical with me... I won't be doing practical, except the parts of the course when I am doing practical" - Jayne

"It'll take me a couple of weeks to learn everyones names" - Jess B (PT - Male)
"Except Alex" - Student (not sure which one...)
"Yes, except Alex" - Jess
"Why's it always me?" - Alex
"Because you have big mouth" - Jess
*Alex looks thoughtful for a sec and then nods a bit*
Well, really you had to be there for it to be amusing but yeah.

“Ee-an?” - Jayne (Computing Teacher)
“Yigh-an” - Ieuan
“You-a-in” - Jayne
“Yigh-an” - Ieuan
“You-a-in” - Jayne
“Yigh-an” - Ieuan
“Can I just call you Ian?” - Jayne
“No” - Ieuan
Starting off with the register and ending in a bit of a pronunciation debate

The genders...

"A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do and a woman’s gotta do what he can’t" - Anon

"It's obvious that women are smarter than me. Think about it - diamonds are a girls best friend; man's best friend is a dog" - Joan Rivers

Gender joke:

A store employee is giving a tour of the new biological store supplying living organs. They go into the brain room. The guide says "So here we are in the brain room, as you can guess, this room contains brains. The male brains are priced quite well at the moment at £3500, the female brains are £2500" The men look smug and one of them says "So, why are the male brains more expensive than the female brains" and the employee replies "The female brains are used"
Hehe, I like this one...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hitchhiker's guide mainly

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, you don't need to tell me who's the biggest fool of us all" - I think it's from a song - was on Tannya's msn name

Hitchhiker's Guide (film):

"Freeze!" - Zaphod
"Freeze? I'm a robot, not a refridgerator" - Marvin

"We have normality" - Trillian
"Normality? Right, we can talk about normality til the cows come home" - Arthur
*looking forlorn*"What is normal?" - Ford
*looking dejected*"What's home?" - Trillian
"What are cows?" - Zaphod

"Terrible events are afoot... uh, you must come, or yo- or you'll be late" - Slartibartfast
"Late, what for?" - Arthur
"What? no, no... what's your name, earthman?" - Slartibartfast
"Dent, Arthur Dent" - Arthur
"Well, late as in 'the late DentArthur Dent' *arthur looks puzzled*. It's a sort of.. threat, do you see?" - Slartibartfast (Who never really was that good at threats)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Shrek 2 and Various Quotes

Shrek 2:

"Who on earth are they?" - Harold
"I think that's our little girl" - Lillian
"That's not little, that's a really big problem! Wasn't she supposed to kiss Prince Charming and break the spell?" - Harold
"Well he's no Prince Charming but they do look-" - Lillian
"Happy now? We came, we saw them, Now let's go before they light the torches" - Shrek
"They're my parents!" - Fiona
"Hello! They locked you in a tower!" - Shrek
"Hey, that was for my own-" - Fiona
"Good! Now here's our chance, lets go back inside and pretend we're not home!" - Harold
"Harold! We have to be-" - Lillian
"Quick! While they're not looking, we can make a run for it!" - Shrek
"Shrek stop it! Everything's going to be-" - Fiona
"A disaster! There is no way-" - Harold
"You can do this" - Fiona
"But I really-" - Shrek
"Really-" - Harold
"Really" - Lillian
"Don't" -Fiona
"Want" - Harold
"To" - Shrek
"Be" - Lillian
"Here" - Harold and Shrek

"Harold; you've forced me to do something I really don't want to do *window winds down*" - Fairy Godmother
*gasp*"Where are we?" - King Harold
"Well hi there, Welcome to Friar's Fat Boy, may I take your order?" - Server
"My diet is ruined! I hope you're happy!" - Fairy Godmother

"Fiona's father paid you to do this!?" - Shrek
"The rich king? Si" - Puss
*Shrek drops Puss in Boots*
"Well... So much for dad's royal blessing" - Shrek
"Aw, come on Shrek, don't feel bad; almost everyone who meets you wants to kill you" - Donkey
"Gee, thanks" - Shrek

"I have misjudged you" - Puss
"Join the club, we've got jackets" - Shrek

"Aaah... P,p,p,p,p Princess... Cinderella! Here we are, lived happily ever after. Oh! No ogres; Let's see, Snow White, a handsome prince, oh, no ogres, Sleeping Beauty, oh, no ogres, Hansel and Gretel no, Thumbelina no! The golden bird! The little mermaid! Pretty woman! No, no, no, no, no!" - Fairy Godmother

"How do you feel?" - Shrek
"I don't, feel any different, do I look any different?" - Donkey
"You still look like an ass to me" - Puss

"Oh Shrek, don't worry, Things just seem bad because it's dark and rainy and Fiona's father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you" - Donkey

"Aaooow! Oh God, help me please! My racing days are over! I'm blind! I'm blind! Tell the truth, will I ever be able to play the violin again?" - Donkey, pretending to have just been run over

"Thank-you gentlemen! Someday I will repay you, unless of course, I can't find you, or if I forget" - Shrek

"It was all just a stupid mistake. I never should have rescued her from that tower in the first place" - Shrek
"*gulps down a drink and sighs* I hate mondays" - Puss

"She loves that... pretty boy, Prince Charming" - Shrek

"*continued from other rantings* You're supposed to say I have a right to remain silent! Nobody said I have the right to remain silent!" - Donkey
"Donkey! You have the right to remain silent! What you lack is the capacity" - Shrek

Other quotes:

"Don't drink drive, it's a washing powder" - Told to me by Carol who I think saw it on one of her friends' msn names

"We can come down tomorrow and play the Skims... It's like the Sims but with more calcium" - Carol
Slip of the tongue...

"In your endless pursuit to take over the world, you've learned three things: one, always dress the part; two, crime really does pay; and three, never stop to reveal your nefarious plans before you actually carry them out" - Message from the Sims 2 when they reach the top of the Criminal Career

"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do but a boy's gotta do what a girl wants him to" - Quote from an msn name of one of my contacts
Actually on his it said something more like 'â ĢĨŕĺŠ ġŏŤŧÀ Ðô' etc. but I don't particularly like that sort of typing and therefore go with the more normal approach to typing. Oh yes, and it also said 'wants him to do' at the end rather than 'wants him to' and I thought I'd shorten it because it works better.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

One of my favourite bible verses

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Friday, August 25, 2006

Pride and Prejudice - Film

"Good heavens..., People!" - Mr Bennet

"Count your blessings Lizzie, if he liked you, you'd have to talk to him" - Charlotte

"Did I just agree to dance with Mr Darcy" - Elizabeth
"I daresay you will find him very amiable, Lizzie" - Charlotte
"It will by most inconveniant since I have sworn to loathe him for all eternity" - Elizabeth

"Do you talk as a rule while dancing?" - Mr Darcy
"No, no I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn, makes it all so much more enjoyable don't you think" - Elizabeth

"He's here! He's here, he's at the door! Mr Bingley!" - Kitty
"Mr Bingley! Oh my goodness! *rushing around* everybody behave naturally! And whatever you do, do not appear overbearing!" - Mrs Bennet
"Look, there's someone with him! Mr whats-his-name pompous one from before" - Kitty
"Mr Darcy?!" - Mrs Bennet

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Raise your voice and X-men

I seem to be getting all my quotes from films at the moment... I think it's because I'm not seeing my friends that much (and I don't carry round my bimble bible much anymore... I think I might have lost it, will have to get a new one if I can't find it by beginning of term...)

Raise your voice:
*trips Terri*
"I'm so sorry! That was me, are you ok?" - Kiwi
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm sorry that was my fault I was in the way" - Terri
"No, it's good, it's my fault, I should really learn to stand" - Kiwi
*Terri gives him a quick smile and leaves*
*Kiwi quickly sits down again, puts the headphones on and listens to the scream noise caught on tape* "Awesome" - Kiwi

"Oh spring, when a young man's fancy turns to love, did you guys see that?" - Kiwi
"What?" - Jay
"Oh it's weird, 'cause there's a hole, in my chest where my heart used to be, because someone else yanked it out and she doesn't even frickin' care, that she did it" - Kiwi (About Sloane)

"What if I told you you were the coolest girl ever, Jay, I like this girl, You know how to pick 'em, I've always said that haven't I Jay" - Kiwi, to Terri after she suggested she introduce Kiwi and Sloane
"Yeah.. *to Teri* he has always said that" - Jay
"Kiwi's seal of approval" - Kiwi

"You're in" - Terri, after arranging for Sloane to go out
with them

"Aoh! *puts a hand to his chest* You beautiful little pentunia! (Says something in french) *swoons*" - Kiwi

After Mystique impersonated Logan
*Logan walks in*
*Cyclops puts his hand up to the dial on his visor*
*holding up his hands*"Hey, hey, it's me" - Logan
"Prove it" - Cyclops
"You're a dick" - Logan
"Ok" - Cyclops
*they both lower their hands*

"Can't sleep?" - Boy (random mutant, telekinetic?, sitting watching TV)
"How can you tell?" - Logan
"'Cause you're awake" - Boy
"Right" - Logan

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Prince & Me + Narnia

The Prince & Me:
"Don't worry, I'll be by your side the entire time" - Soren
*they enter the room*
"Soren, get out" - Queen Rosalind
"Yes, your majesty" - Soren

"It's our sister, sir, Lucy" - Susan
"The weeping girl" - Professor
"Yes sir, She's upset" - Susan"
"Hence the weeping" - Professor

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ever After and Audrey Hepburn

Ever After:

"I am visiting a cousin" - Danielle
"Who" - Prince Henry
"My cousin" - Danielle
"Yes you said that, which one?" - Prince Henry
"The only one I have, sire" - Danielle

"You will marry Gabriella by the next full moon or I will strike at you in any way I can" - King Francis
"What's it to be father, hot oil or the rack" - Prince Henry
"I will simply, deny you the crown and, live... forever!" - King Francis

Audrey Hepburn films:

"I plan to enter her sick room disguised as a thermometer" - Joe, Roman Holiday

"I can't even hear myself think, and I'm trying to think in French!" - Maggie, Funnyface

"Dick, have you gone out of your mind?!" - Jo
"We'll talk about that later!" - Dick, pulling her out of the cafe

"I get it; she put herself in your place, so if you put yourself in her place then you're bound to run into each other in somebody's place!" - Maggie, to Dick, about Jo

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Harry Potter Films

Prisoner of Azkaban (to be confirmed):
"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set" - Sirius, to Snape

"Look at you two, arguing like an old married couple" - Snape, to Sirius and Lupin

"Now now Snape, don't be stupid" - Lupin
"He can't help it, it's habit by now" - Sirius

Goblet of Fire:
"It's not like I try to blow things up exactly it just happens a fair bit, you have to admit though, fire's pretty fascinating" - Seamus

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting, this is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in" - Either Fred or George

"Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything so it was really me all along. I thought it'd... be alright, you know, once you figured that out" - Ron
"Who could possibly figure that out? It's completely mental"- Harry
"Heh.. yeah, it is isn't it, suppose I was a bit distraught" - Ron
"... *with a slightly exasperated tone* boys!" - Hermione

"Silence! The house of Godric Gryfinndor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries, I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons" - Prof. McGonagall
"Try saying that five times faster" - One of the Weasley twins to the other
*They proceed to do so*

"Hermione, you're a girl" - Ron
"Oh well spotted" - Hermione
Ron and Harry trying to get dates for the Yule Ball

"There she was, walking by. You know I like it when they walk" - Ron
Talking about Fleur Delacour and the girls from Beaubatons

*You see Hermione and Victor dancing - and enjoying themselves*
"Ruddy pumpkin head isn't he" - Ron
"I don't think it was for books that had him going to the library" - Harry

"I suppose Victor's already figured it out" - Harry
"I wouldn't know, we don't actually talk about the tournament; actually we don't really talk at all; Victor's more of a physical being" - Hermione
*Cue amused/cheeky grin from Harry and partially embarrassed but amused laugh/sigh from Hermione*
"I just mean he's not particularly loquacious" - Hermione
"mhm *knowing look*" - Harry

"Polyjuice potion? Kicked the habit" - Harry

"Come seek us where our voices found" - Harry
"That's obvious, the black lake" - Hermione
"An hour long you'll have to look" - Harry
"Again, obvious, though admittedly potentially problematic" - Hermione
"Potentially problematic?! When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour Hermione?" - Harry

Monday, August 14, 2006

28th of July quotes, simply not posted until now:

"blonde eyes and blue hair" - Hazel talking about Aryans
Tannya was amazed that I had a 'blonde moment'

"She was fondling/very fond of the mushrooms" - Dan/Tannya about Katrina

"Praising the light that she was a lesbian" - Dan
(Not sure where this came from, well... I suppose sleepovers cause weird comments)

"The almighty light of many dead flies" - Tannya, commenting on the last quotes

"Don't you rub me in that tone!" - Dan to Tannya
Lol, again, just another strange moment

And here's a quote from 'Sky High', a fantastic film about superheros...
"So in the end my girlfriend became my arch-enemy, my arch-enemy became my best friend, and my best friend became my girlfriend" - Will Stronghold (main character)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

In the beginning...

... there was a quote. This began the tradition of quote collection. I have continued this tradition. Now, there is a blog. This blog is called Radioactive Quotations. It is my new more efficient way of recording quotes. I previously recorded quotes on my site, this has now become an archive of all the quotes from my school. Now I'm moving on to college I'll start over. Here we go again...