Tuesday, April 29, 2008

10 things I hate about you

"I've been hearing a lot of complaints about you again. People are saying you're..." - Ms Perky
"Tempestuous?" - Kat
"'Heinous bitch' is the term used most often." - Ms Perky

"Hey there girly, how you doing?" - Patrick
"Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?" - Kat
"Now there's a way to get a guy's attention, huh" - Patrick
"My mission in life, but obviously I struck your fancy so you see it worked, the world makes sense again" - Kat

"You're not afraid of me are you?" - Patrick
"Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?" - Kat
"Most people are" - Patrick
"Well I'm not" - Kat
"Well maybe you're not afraid of me but I bet you've thought about me naked, huh *winks*" - Patrick
"Am I that transparent? *sarcastic tone* I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby *rolls eyes*" - Kat

"What is it, asshole day?" - Kat

"And um, and here's another problem; Bianca said, that Kat likes, pretty guys" - Cameron
*tense moment of looking back and forth*
"*raises eyebrows and stands up* Are you telling me I'm not a pretty guy?" - Patrick
*talking over each other*:
"Yeah he's very pretty; he's a gorgeous guy" - Michael
"Yeah, I just wasn't sure, I didn't know *shrugs*" - Cameron
*Patrick relaxes and sits back again*

"This is so patronising" - Kat
"Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed" - Patrick

"You don't care if I never wake up" - Kat
"*grins* Sure I do" - Patrick
"Why?" - Kat
"Because then I'd have to start taking out girls who actually like me" - Patrick
"Like you could find one" - Kat
"*still grinning* Oh see, that there; who needs affection when I have blind hatred?" - Patrick

"Tell me something true" - Kat
"I hate peas" - Patrick

"I'm down, I've got the 411, and you are not going out and getting jiggy with some boy, I don't care how dope his ride is" - Walter (Bianca/Kats' dad)
*Bianca makes a frustrated noise and stalks off*

"Where's your sister going?" - Walter
"She's meeting some bikers. Big ones. Full of sperm." - Kat

"It's not every day you find a girl who'll flash someone to get you out of detention" - Patrick

"You can't just buy me a guitar everytime you screw up you know" - Kat
"Yeah, I know... But then you know there's always drums, bass and maybe even one day a tambourine" - Patrick
*they grin*

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mainly History

A song taught to us by our History teacher Alan.

"Hitler, has only got one ball
Goering, has two but ve-ry small
Himmler, has something similar
But poor Goebbels, has no balls, at all"

A quote from Alan:
"That was the highlight of my year! The land league rappers." - Alan
Yeah, a couple of the guys in our class wrote a 'land league' rap when we were studying Ireland. It was actually quite good.

And below are some jokes told in Nazi Germany - From my 'Humour as resistance' sheet.

Some Nazis surround an old Jew and ask him who is responsible for the war. "The Jews" he answers, and then he adds "and the cyclists".
"Why the cyclists?" ask the puzzled Nazis.
"Why the Jews?" replies the old man.

Q: What is the difference between Chamberlain and Hitler?
A: Chamberlain takes his weekends in the country,but Hitler takes whole countries in a weekend.

An SS officer who has just arrested a Jew says to him, "I have one glass eye. If you guess correctly which it is, I'll let you go." To this the prisoner replies, "It is the left one."
"Correct!" exclaims the officer, "How did you manage to guess?"
"Oh," says the Jew, "your left eye has such a human, compassionate expression."

A Jew is arrested during the war, having been denounced for killing a Nazi at 10 pm and then eating the brain of his victim. This is his defence: in the first place a Nazi hasn't got any brain; secondly, a Jew doesn't eat anything that comes from a pig; and thirdly, he could not have killed the Nazi at 10 pm because at that time everybody listens to the BBC broadcast.

Nazis abbreviated everything, so some jokes used this practise to create new units of measurement.
'Hit' - the number of promises a man can make in a time-span of fourteen years without keeping any of them.
'Goer' - the maximum amount of tin a man can wear on his chest without falling flat on his face.
'Goeb' - the minimum amount of energy required to switch off 100,000 radio receivers simultaneously.
'Ley' - the maximum time during which a man can speak without saying a single sensible thing.

And lastly,
The ideal German:
As blond as Hitler, as tall as Goebbels, as slim as Goering, and as chaste as Röhm.

And one quote from the Dan and my three hours off today:

"Well, our coll- or rather, our school wasn't very encouraging" - Hazel
"Alcohol isn't very encouraging?" - Dan
I didn't even realise it sounded like I said that until he told me, lol

Thursday, April 17, 2008

27 dresses

Just remembered a couple of quotes from it that I liked:

"It's like finding out that your favourite love song was written about a sandwich" - Jane

"Love is patient, Love is kind, Love is slowly losing your mind" - Kevin