Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Various Quotes I kept here and there...

"Snow is my favourite type of precipitation" - Matt

"How do blobs contribute to the sum of human happiness?" - Colin

"Hey you, sexy church, stop doing that" - Carol, paraphrasing Paul

"Do these onions taste juggled to you?" - Harly
As you can probably guess, we'd been juggling the onions...

"You have a sticker on you" - Jess
"Yes, I'm for general use" - Alex (tutor)
Someone decided to put the stickers from the machines on our tutors - another tutor was apparently 'for trained use only'.

From films:

“What’s her deal? – John Tucker
“I don’t know, I think maybe she’s not your type” - Scott
Girl is my type” – John Tucker

“... All these squishy parents nowadays wanting to be friends with their kids. Kids don’t need more friends, they need old, scary people to intimidate them!” – Mr Stratford

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