Unknown dates but one of them was dated 29/06/07 - these were written on the back of my refill pad.
"Be quiet Maxwell and his friends" - Kate
"We're not his friends" - Matt B
"That's straight and this is like you, bent!" - Mills?
I didn't write down who said this but I do believe that it was Mills talking to one or another of the guys in our class. It's the sort of comment he tends to make.
"I need the... um..." - Hazel
"-notes?" - Fahima
"Yeah" - Hazel
"Oh, um thingymabob's got them" - Fahima
"'kay" - Hazel
And I did know what she was talking about....
"Isn't Galileo one of the teenage muntant ninja turtles?" - Becky
"Students were revolting, literally" - Alan
This is not a general Alan-esque comment and I don't remember the context at all...
*Having a conversation about Dumbledore's death*
"What are you doing?" - Mills
"We're doing lots of maths and not talking about Harry Potter" - Greg
That Ninja Turtles was meeeee in history last year.
Thanks! Have now rectified the situation :) x
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