Friday, December 01, 2006

Surprise! More quotes...

"Here you go, the muffin comes with homework" - Mike
Mike came into the lesson and gave Jayne a muffin... for some strange reason - she was a bit wary of it (with good cause really, knowing the guys in my class) and in the end gave it to Matt for good work. Plus - on Mike's student comment it said 'I liked this homework it was fun' with a heart at the end, Steven added xx on the end of it, lol.

"I saw cockburn in my garden" - Steven
Still going on about the whole cockburn thing... (They convinced Jayne it was a bird...)

"Where's David?" - Jayne
"Go find him" - Mike

"Jayne, get rid of the spider, it's huge and scary!" - Mike
*Cue the boys running around like prats and making a big issue out of it*

"What do you need to bring to your next lesson?" - Kate, to Mike
"A brain?" - Robert

"I saw your phone down there, I can see things down there!" - Jayne
Viraaj was holding his phone under the table...

Random insert: Last week sometime we were in History, Matt was bored and drew a halo on Hitler, then when we commented on it he turned it into a hat which Faye thought looked like a saucepan. So Hitler is now known for his saucepan hat.

"Let's do flapjacks!" - Rai
She meant star jumps...

"I'll do it with you... well, not IT" - Dan

"It's national 'bring in the wrong folder day" - Sedgie

"Your hatred makes me love you more" - Dan
"My hatred makes me hate you more" - Rai
"Oh, I love you. Let's get married" - Dan
"Sorry, I only go for straight guys" - Rai
"I could be!" - Dan

"What do you mean?" - Maxwell
"Yes" - Kate

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