Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tuesday 17th October
"People called Olly are retards. It's a fact of life." - Dan

"I can't kiss him without laughing" - Alice, about Dan

"Get up, gravity is not on my side" - Alice (trying to get up after lying on Dan and Dan trying to trip her up)

"You broke her leg!" - Jodie
"Don't exaggerate. We broke Clarky's leg" - Dan
"Yep, that's right" - Clarky

"... see?! Isn't that stalking. But I'm not spreading it. I'm not telling anyone! I mean, I just told you, but that was... explaining the situation!" - Jodie
Emma had been apparently saying that Jodie was spreading rumors about her [Emma] stalking someone

"I tell lies, that's part of the fun of my job" - Kate (Computing Teacher)

Wednesday 18th October (Today)
"I'm a happy flap" - Dan

"I'm an atheist, let me pray" - Dan, thinking of oxymorons (He's actually agnostic)

*There was another quote - need to ask Dan, I think he wrote it somewhere...

Desperate Housewives
"Please, you're dating my wife, call me Rex" - Rex, to George
Just starting to vaguely get into Desperate Housewives under the Dan influence...

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