In choir - we were singing a strange Old English thing (see bottom of post for lyrics).
"The reason I chose this is because it's Valentine's Day on Saturday and this is a love spell. So if you can find some oaken ashes and a mute... you know. *shrug*" - James
"Elvis has risen from the dead, in the form of my sunglasses." - Ray
"Do your friends all look like you?" - Amy
"No! They look normal." - Dave C
Right, I just thought it might be interesting to put the strange love spell song (I think it was based on a poem or something) here. I've just found a copy of it on the internet, not sure if it's exactly the same thing we were doing (I think we may have had another verse or something) but you'll get the gist. Note the weird spelling...
Thrice tosse these Oaken ashes in the ayre;
Thrice sit thou mute in this inchanted chayre:
And thrice three times tye up this true loves knot,
And murmur soft shee will, or shee will not.
Goe burn these poys’nous weedes in yon blew fire,
These Screech-owles fethers,
and this prickling bryer,
This Cypress gathered at a dead mans grave:
That all thy feares and cares an end may have.
Then come you Fayries, dance with me a round,
Melt her hard hart with your melodious sound;
In vaine are all the charms I can devise,
She hath an Arte to breake them with her eyes
Thrice sit thou mute in this inchanted chayre:
And thrice three times tye up this true loves knot,
And murmur soft shee will, or shee will not.
Goe burn these poys’nous weedes in yon blew fire,
These Screech-owles fethers,
and this prickling bryer,
This Cypress gathered at a dead mans grave:
That all thy feares and cares an end may have.
Then come you Fayries, dance with me a round,
Melt her hard hart with your melodious sound;
In vaine are all the charms I can devise,
She hath an Arte to breake them with her eyes